Thursday, April 9, 2009

Too Many Kids Dying In Chicago

Hello Everybody,

Well made it to blog #2 so I guess my conversation game is in tact!

I want to discuss a very serious topic today and that's all the violence these kids are putting out. Whatever happened to a good ole after school fist fight? These kids nowadays kill more people that terrorist..real talk. Terrorist kill in numbers and the kids kill each other one by one but at the end of the day it's damn near equal. Now who do we blame? Parents,kids,TV,music,enviroment,government,society,drugs,school system? Who says all of the above? Well Lets Talk About It.

First of we all know that we can definitely blame the government because they let the guns come in. Second I guess we can blame the parents because this generation of kids are kids of kids. Third maybe we can blame music and TV because, yes, it glorifies violence and teaches them that blasting a mug with an AK assualt rifle is the proper way(to me the coward way) of handling a problem. Fourth, Fifth and Sixth and so on are trickle down effects mainly.

Most of these kids are getting killed at times when they should be in the house maybe, ummm, studying!! I know it's hard these days to disipline kids the way we were, by the way I'm old school 37 years old, with belts, broom sticks, electric cords, tree branches(better known to us old schoolers as switches..ouch!) because of the laws protecting them from abuse now. Man back in the day if we even thought about raising up or calling the police that head got cracked Our parents were the damn police, shit I couldn't get away with nothing,well not for too long. Too all my young parents out there around the teenager age,please by all means I'm not coming down on you so don't go getting all "no this mofo didn't". What I'm saying is that if you are still hanging out and got the wrong crowd around you maybe you shouldn't and show you kids something different. Keep them away foul music in the car and in the house at least until the fear of doing wrong is instilled into thier little brains. You have to remember that what you teach your child at a young age is generally how they learn how to survive in the world. They only know what we show!

To anybody that has lost a child to gunfire or gang violence I send my prayers that God helps you through such a rough time. If you believe in Him then you know He will cover your heart and pain through His Mercy and Grace.

Thank You for reading my blogs,

Peace & Hope!


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